Sunday, April 18, 2010

Lauren Elizabeth

In honor of Lauren's 10th Birthday, which I realize was last month, but...technically... she wasn't due until April 30th, soo...well, here goes anyway!
Lauren was our only "early arriver" at 33 weeks gestation due to a condition called "placenta previa".  I am so thankful today that I did not realize the seriousness of what happened when it happened!  She arrived 7 weeks early at a whopping 5lbs 8oz!  Good size!  She had to stay in the hospital for 6 days and came home a little jaundiced, but overall healthy.  During her first year, she quickly caught up to speed with her height and weight, and did not have any delays in reaching any first year milestones.  After that first year, she leveled out and, has been average on the growth chart every year. 

I often refer to Lauren as the "middle child" because she has many of the characteristics of the typical middle child.  As a baby, she was the best! A little angel.  She started talking very early, and singing which she still does all the time. She loves school and likes to try new things.  She also has a very sensitive side, and a HUGE heart.  She can be extremely feisty and strong-willed.  Not shy...and she can talk to anybody, anywhere, anytime!

And that is a nutshell!  Happy Birthday Lauren!

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